Articles tagged with: Events


Events, Community & Sun

Events, Community & Sun

Summer is coming and its conventions with it ! Report time: We were present at the Warhammer Fest (UK) this year, we've done a conference for a video game school, we're working on two events in Lyon (France) with Games Workshop shop (4 june - FR) and les Rencontres Ludiques (11 june - FR).

We're waiting for you to come, play our game and give us your feedbacks !By then, we'll continue polishing Battlefleet Gothic: Leviathan and we can't tell you more... For the moment !

Posted in Team


5 days until a big annoucement...

5 days until a big annoucement...

This weekend, we were at the Fumble Fest in Lyon and those who came to see us, were able to have a preview and play at our next game! Positives reviews, hours of playing for those which couldn't stop,... An awesome first event!

For the others, you'll have to wait next week to learn more about it...

Posted in Team


Meet us at the Fumble Fest !

Come and visit us for this game convention in Lyon, we have a big surprise for you...

Meet us at the Fumble Fest !

We will be present at the FUMBLE FEST, the game convention (boardgame, roleplay, cards and miniatures) taking place on 26 and 27 march 2016 in Lyon (France).

Why will we be there? We reserve you a big and awesome surprise ;)! We are waiting for you at the Miniatures room all Saturday to find out ...

Posted in Team